Common Types

Common types used across fuse APIs and services.

Beneficiary details

The bank account details of a beneficiary.

namestringThe name of the remitter.
identifierOneOf- iban (string) : The account number of the remitting account.

Failure Reason

The possible values for failure reason are:

  • bank_error - with a string detailing the bank error
  • insufficient_funds - the debit account does not have enough funds available to do the required payment
  • internal_accounts_differ - the accounts are on different internal accounts so some operations are not permitted, for example, internal transfers
  • quote_error - error generating quote needed for international payment
  • system_error - an unexpected system error has occurred while trying to process a payment

Remitter details

The bank account details of a remitter.

namestringThe name of the remitter.
identifierOneOf- iban (string) : The account number of the remitting account.

Payment Statuses

The states a payment can be in.

  • Created - payment has been created in the Fuse system.
  • Submitted - payment has been submitted to the scheme for processing.
  • Executed - payment has been executed by the scheme. It may still take some time to settle into the beneficiary account. This is a final state for outbound payments.
  • Failed - payment has failed to process. This is a final state for outbound payments.
  • Settled - only applicable for inbound payments. Payment has been received and credited to the account.

Purpose codes

The purpose of the transaction. The possible values are:

  • charity
  • commercial_investment
  • corporate_card
  • credit_card
  • dividend
  • family
  • financial_services
  • goods_sold
  • goods_bought
  • government
  • insurance
  • intergroup_transfer
  • intra_group_dividends
  • information_technology
  • leasing
  • loan_charges
  • merchant_settlement
  • mobile_wallet
  • non_resident_transfer_between_accounts
  • none
  • pension
  • prepaid_cards
  • personal_expenses
  • professional
  • rental
  • resident_transfer_between_accounts
  • salaries
  • telecommunications
  • travel
  • utility_bill